Halloween, etc
Here is Moon, trying on one of many costumes she created on Halloween. This vest has been worn for years. I am surprised she can still get it on.
Here is Moon, trying on one of many costumes she created on Halloween. This vest has been worn for years. I am surprised she can still get it on.
Super fun. Super crowded.
Lan was there as a kitty cowboy, but I didn't get any pictures of him. For shame...
Later that night, we did a quick up and down the street trick or treat.
Obviously I had picture cooperation challenges.
Here is Moon, deciding what couple of candies she is going to
eat before leaving the rest for the candy fairy.
Totally happy little Halloween experience. We had lots of trick or treaters for our neighborhood and the kids had fun handing out candy. Patrick played a party and I headed out after the kids were getting ready for bed with Kathryn.