Saturday, October 06, 2007

Please send me strength to get through the rainy season with creativity and PATIENCE!

So we have been doing some crafting. The glue stick has proven popular, to the tune of 1 stick per day.

We have also taken to sorting buttons

WooHoo. So much fun to be had. No really. Moon finds it all too fun, at least!


Angie said...

I'm sending you ton mama, did you find some cheap glue sticks? Cause one a day, wow! I need some patience too, and Im just starting the creativity bug, out with the loud toys and in with the art and chalk board. And I found some window crayons the other day, they are a hit! ....Angie and the boys

Erin Emi said...

I love this blog! :) Thanks so so much for Dan's birthday party yesterday. It was really wonderful to spend some time with you folks and the Mooner! she's just full of fabulous ideas!!

"Please send me strength to get through the rainy season with creativity and PATIENCE!" So true. I will repeat this mantra to myself in the coming months.

thanks friend,