Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Morning!

Funniest part of the day. Moon discovering that Santa ate the cookie. She was so pissed! After this picture was taken a full on tantrum ensued until we offered her a new cookie. That Santa, eating the cookie without leaving any for her :(

Look at this house!

Music box from Great Gram. A definite hit!

A sock monkey too!

And a fancy cash register.

Later Owen, Adrienne and Brian came over from a turkey dinner.
We bought it from New Seasons and stuck it in the oven a couple of hours before eating. I highly recommend doing this!
Owen opening up his present

Moon opening her present

Oh! And we had snow for a couple of hours too!
Our first white Christmas.

1 comment:

UrbanHippieMama said...

I LOVE the nakey christmas pictures! and, i'd be pissed too.... that mean old santa-cookie-hogger! lol....