Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hot Cocoa!

Mooner has been asking for hot cocoa ever since watching Polar Express, particularly this part.
Searching high and low for a dairy and soy free recipe was challenging, but coconut milk turns out to do the trick nicely.

She even does her own dishes!

Oh, and notice that she is wearing clothes! That is half the reason for this post :)

1 comment:

Lee said...

Yum, we love hot chocolate around here, too. We heat almond milk in a pan, and also heat water in the tea kettle at the same time. Then we add the dairy-free cocoa powder to the almond milk and stir. Then pour into cups so that the cup has 3/4 almond milk/cocoa and 1/4 hot water. I should try coconut milk sometime, too!