The Birth of Baby Brother
Warning, this is the birth story! If you don't want details Don't Read! :)
This is the story (shortened down a bit, without ALL of those gritty details that my birth junky friends would want) of the birth of soon to be named baby brother. Born February 7th, 5:02 PM. 9lbs, 21.5 inches and 15 inch head. That head measurement is important!
I woke up at about 7:30 on the 7th. Moon asked to nurse (which she rarely does) and I agreed. She sort of half sucked a few times and was done. We got up and as I walked out of the bedroom, I felt a strong contraction (a Dialator, as I called it). I grabbed our dresser and had to check in with myself that it really happened. Went to the bathroom and had another one. Walked into the living room, yet another. I made a bagel and got Moon settled in with the television and some toast. Another one. I called Alexandra my midwife, but felt totally unsure of myself, since I had already had several false starts to labor over the last week or so. She asked me what I really thought and I told her that I skipped the mellow contractions and knew that these were seriously progressive. I was scared of them stopping, but really knew that they wouldn't backtrack from where they were now. While waiting for Alexandra to come over I called my friend Adrienne and asked her to get ready to have Moon over. I also called my mom and told her that I thought it was real, but that I would call back soon and let her know what Alexandra said about the time-line. I started making sure dishes were done, tidying up, etc. It was already hard to concentrate and I didn't get much done.
Alexandra came over and was pretty sure that things were moving along quickly. I agreed to let her check me because I was questioning my actual progress. Sure enough, I was at a 4. Awesome. I called Patrick and he left work, swinging by our friends house for her video camera. Adrienne came and got Moon and I felt myself relax a bit more. Jill, Alexandra's student came over and her and Patrick finished getting the tub ready. By this time, I was starting to really get into my labor and enjoy each contraction. I went on a walk with Jill while P cleaned up the house a bit more, got the camera prepped, etc. The walk was wonderful. I closed my eyes and walked down the road with each contraction and tripped on being outside and in labor. Not so strange for everyone, but my labor with Moon was so different that I just really felt thankful to be so free. I walked up a hill and that felt great, walking back down felt better. I wanted to keep walking, but our neighborhood was starting to vibe me too much, so we went to the backyard. I found myself relaxing further and having contractions resting on Moon's playstructure.The fresh air was energizing but it was so cold outside that I decided to go inside. I was also suddenly starving.
Ate some tortilla chips, an orange and some cheese. I really only wanted the orange and chips, but I was talked into some protein. I started to feel a little tired and was buzzing, but I hated not standing up. I leaned onto P for 30 minutes or so and then wanted to try laying down. We went and cuddled in bed. I was relieved that it felt good; I knew resting would be important for the rest of the journey. I started feeling really weepy about Moon not being home and I made everyone promise we would call her before the baby came. Sometime around then I called my mom to check in and Mooner was napping in the car. More relief. Had more weepiness over the joy (real!) of being in labor and how much I loved it. I was feeling so thankful to the universe. We all had teary eyes and good vibes. The music we had on was perfect. I braided some embroidery floss to tie the cord with.
Somewhere around maybe 3, Alexandra talked me into getting into the tub. I was really wanting to save it for when my labor hurt, but I am glad she talked me into it because it never got to hurting as I thought it would. It never really hurt much at all. Once in the tub, I was SO high that I couldn't stop rocking and humming and feeling crazy good. Patrick and I just held hands and breathed and hummed and moaned through contractions. It was so wild, I couldn't even open my eyes much. After the birth my midwives said that they didn't know if I was actually progressing or not because I was so blissed out. I felt the same way. Until I felt the urge to push, and then I knew it was on.
Pushing was crazy hard. Any woman who has given birth knows that. I remember pushing with Moon, but man you cannot remember the pain. I do feel like this was a much harder pushing session than I had with her, because it went so fast and he had a bigger head and some shoulder sticking issues. I first tried some practice pushes and they felt good and horrible at the same time. Alexandra did some massage on an anterior lip. That sucked and I think I yelled at her to get out. I was ready to really push and she suggested getting on my hand and knees. I did and I am glad. I was so scared all of a sudden because of the pain and yelled that I needed help. Patrick got in the tub with me and that was enough to let me know I was ok. Alexandra and Jill both told me I was ok too. I really needed to hear it, even though it sounds strange to say now. Three LOUD and LOUDER and deep from within pushes and he was out Alexandra worked his shoulders out in between. I am so thankful that she was there for that. I had a few half pushes in there that I probably should have done more of, but it hurt so much that I couldn't bear doing many more pushes at all. I heard someone outside yell while I was yelling. I bet they had no idea what was going on in our house, but I think it's sort of funny. I loved feeling my baby come out of me. It is a feeling that you could never recreate, but was instantaneous in bringing back Moon's birth. Awesome awesome feeling. Alexandra told me to pick up my baby from under me. I picked him up and sat back and was blown away. He was so big and so vernix-y and I just loved him so much. I loved that I got to catch my breath before picking him up and I love that I got to pick him up when I was ready. That made such a difference for me in that instant love feeling. We were so warm and happy and it was perfect. I had someone call my mom to bring Mooner. Just before pushing I realized that it was going to be so freaking intense that I would not want her there. I am still happy with that decision; she would have been scared. Just after I pushed out the placenta, Mooner and my mom came in. Moon was totally wierded out by the scene and took awhile to warm up to Papa. By the time I was out of the tub and tucked into bed, she was wanting to show Papou her baby brother. 3 days later she is madly in love with him. She kisses him, tries to get his attention so she can make funny faces at him (!), tells everyone that he is "so cute" and reminds me that he wants to nurse. I honestly cannot believe how perfect everything was and is. It was everything great that I had with Moon's birth, everything great that I wanted to add to it, nothing less than my dreams were made true. Can I even really say that? It is truly unbelievable and I am thankful. Very very thankful.
Birth Altar, all set up.
Warning, this is the birth story! If you don't want details Don't Read! :)
This is the story (shortened down a bit, without ALL of those gritty details that my birth junky friends would want) of the birth of soon to be named baby brother. Born February 7th, 5:02 PM. 9lbs, 21.5 inches and 15 inch head. That head measurement is important!
I woke up at about 7:30 on the 7th. Moon asked to nurse (which she rarely does) and I agreed. She sort of half sucked a few times and was done. We got up and as I walked out of the bedroom, I felt a strong contraction (a Dialator, as I called it). I grabbed our dresser and had to check in with myself that it really happened. Went to the bathroom and had another one. Walked into the living room, yet another. I made a bagel and got Moon settled in with the television and some toast. Another one. I called Alexandra my midwife, but felt totally unsure of myself, since I had already had several false starts to labor over the last week or so. She asked me what I really thought and I told her that I skipped the mellow contractions and knew that these were seriously progressive. I was scared of them stopping, but really knew that they wouldn't backtrack from where they were now. While waiting for Alexandra to come over I called my friend Adrienne and asked her to get ready to have Moon over. I also called my mom and told her that I thought it was real, but that I would call back soon and let her know what Alexandra said about the time-line. I started making sure dishes were done, tidying up, etc. It was already hard to concentrate and I didn't get much done.
Alexandra came over and was pretty sure that things were moving along quickly. I agreed to let her check me because I was questioning my actual progress. Sure enough, I was at a 4. Awesome. I called Patrick and he left work, swinging by our friends house for her video camera. Adrienne came and got Moon and I felt myself relax a bit more. Jill, Alexandra's student came over and her and Patrick finished getting the tub ready. By this time, I was starting to really get into my labor and enjoy each contraction. I went on a walk with Jill while P cleaned up the house a bit more, got the camera prepped, etc. The walk was wonderful. I closed my eyes and walked down the road with each contraction and tripped on being outside and in labor. Not so strange for everyone, but my labor with Moon was so different that I just really felt thankful to be so free. I walked up a hill and that felt great, walking back down felt better. I wanted to keep walking, but our neighborhood was starting to vibe me too much, so we went to the backyard. I found myself relaxing further and having contractions resting on Moon's playstructure.The fresh air was energizing but it was so cold outside that I decided to go inside. I was also suddenly starving.
Ate some tortilla chips, an orange and some cheese. I really only wanted the orange and chips, but I was talked into some protein. I started to feel a little tired and was buzzing, but I hated not standing up. I leaned onto P for 30 minutes or so and then wanted to try laying down. We went and cuddled in bed. I was relieved that it felt good; I knew resting would be important for the rest of the journey. I started feeling really weepy about Moon not being home and I made everyone promise we would call her before the baby came. Sometime around then I called my mom to check in and Mooner was napping in the car. More relief. Had more weepiness over the joy (real!) of being in labor and how much I loved it. I was feeling so thankful to the universe. We all had teary eyes and good vibes. The music we had on was perfect. I braided some embroidery floss to tie the cord with.
Somewhere around maybe 3, Alexandra talked me into getting into the tub. I was really wanting to save it for when my labor hurt, but I am glad she talked me into it because it never got to hurting as I thought it would. It never really hurt much at all. Once in the tub, I was SO high that I couldn't stop rocking and humming and feeling crazy good. Patrick and I just held hands and breathed and hummed and moaned through contractions. It was so wild, I couldn't even open my eyes much. After the birth my midwives said that they didn't know if I was actually progressing or not because I was so blissed out. I felt the same way. Until I felt the urge to push, and then I knew it was on.
Pushing was crazy hard. Any woman who has given birth knows that. I remember pushing with Moon, but man you cannot remember the pain. I do feel like this was a much harder pushing session than I had with her, because it went so fast and he had a bigger head and some shoulder sticking issues. I first tried some practice pushes and they felt good and horrible at the same time. Alexandra did some massage on an anterior lip. That sucked and I think I yelled at her to get out. I was ready to really push and she suggested getting on my hand and knees. I did and I am glad. I was so scared all of a sudden because of the pain and yelled that I needed help. Patrick got in the tub with me and that was enough to let me know I was ok. Alexandra and Jill both told me I was ok too. I really needed to hear it, even though it sounds strange to say now. Three LOUD and LOUDER and deep from within pushes and he was out Alexandra worked his shoulders out in between. I am so thankful that she was there for that. I had a few half pushes in there that I probably should have done more of, but it hurt so much that I couldn't bear doing many more pushes at all. I heard someone outside yell while I was yelling. I bet they had no idea what was going on in our house, but I think it's sort of funny. I loved feeling my baby come out of me. It is a feeling that you could never recreate, but was instantaneous in bringing back Moon's birth. Awesome awesome feeling. Alexandra told me to pick up my baby from under me. I picked him up and sat back and was blown away. He was so big and so vernix-y and I just loved him so much. I loved that I got to catch my breath before picking him up and I love that I got to pick him up when I was ready. That made such a difference for me in that instant love feeling. We were so warm and happy and it was perfect. I had someone call my mom to bring Mooner. Just before pushing I realized that it was going to be so freaking intense that I would not want her there. I am still happy with that decision; she would have been scared. Just after I pushed out the placenta, Mooner and my mom came in. Moon was totally wierded out by the scene and took awhile to warm up to Papa. By the time I was out of the tub and tucked into bed, she was wanting to show Papou her baby brother. 3 days later she is madly in love with him. She kisses him, tries to get his attention so she can make funny faces at him (!), tells everyone that he is "so cute" and reminds me that he wants to nurse. I honestly cannot believe how perfect everything was and is. It was everything great that I had with Moon's birth, everything great that I wanted to add to it, nothing less than my dreams were made true. Can I even really say that? It is truly unbelievable and I am thankful. Very very thankful.
Wow! A truly amazing birth story...I am sooo happy for you and your family. Your son is beautiful!
What a beautiful, perfect, birth!!! :) You are simply glowing in the pictures, and your little boy is such a beauty. I am so ecstatic for you... enjoy your babymoon.
j: thank you so much for sharing your story. I am so, so, so happy for you and for your family... happy tears for you
Jessica, wow, literally, I am blown away by your glow and energy and utter beauty in those pictures. You look so vibrant and happy. It's just wow.
What a beautiful story. I can't wait to meet lil brother this afternoon and give you a great big momma bear hug. :D
beautiful, amazing and empowering. i am so thrilled you got such a wonderful birth experience.
enjoy your babymoon mama.
welcome to the world baby brother, you have an amazing family welcoming you :)
oh jessica, i am SO HAPPY that you have that perfect birth to keep in your heart and take with you everywhere you go.
you sharing it allowed my little sprouted seed of hope to grow just a little more.....
congrats to the new improved family of four!
Oh jessica... your story is even better written out. I'm so very happy for you, for this beautiful baby, for your beautiful birth, for making your DREAMS come true.
Hooray! I have been stalking your blog since the birth and am glad it THE post is finally here! :D I am so happy for you! I wish we all could go through transition like that! I looked at the pictures first and said to Ron, she looks exactly the same, not like she just went through birth at all! And now I see why. Can't wait to hear the name...!
I am teary-eyed. So happy you had a wonderful, gentle, blissful birth. Congratulations to all of you.
Oh Jessica that is so beautiful. I am so happy for you and your family and welcome you to little man-hood. :)
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