Thursday, May 22, 2008

Things that have been going on around here.

Lots of diaper only time in the swing. Too hot!!!
A visit from Grammy Suzy and Papa Chuck.

Moon wearing a Kiki dress (from cousin Kate, Moon's fashion guru!)

Lanny, in "school" with Moon. I think he's not the best student, but she tries!

Finally, mama wearing "lady shoes". Why I still have these shoes from a high school dance, I don't know. I think they are sort of fabulous. Count on Moon to find fancy shoes in this house and demand that I wear them! So I wore them while I changed a diaper and bounced Lan on the ball. Then they were hurting my feet, so I took them off. She tried to get me to wear them again today, but no go.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Hurry up and get rid of the boogers!!! I want to see these cute kids soon!