Friday, February 29, 2008

Landon's 3 week birthday

We had some special visitors to celebrate Landon turning 3 weeks old. Great-grammy and Great-Papa and Papa (grandpa) Mike!

A family shot, thanks Gram!

Great-Gram and Landon

Moon wearing Great-Papa's Ford hat. He has had this hat as long as I can remember.

Landon finally awake (after sleeping half of the visit) and crying for his Great-Papa.

And more crying for Papa Mike!

At 3 weeks Landon is still a great sleeper, not quite as great as the days before his cold, but still pretty impressive. He is growing, but I don't have his exact weight. He is a great nurser and doesn't really mind only nursing every 2 or 3 hours. He has also been spending time laying on his back, watching the goings on.

1 comment:

Amy *aka willa* said...

OMG he is such a doll face!!! I love seeing all the pictures, he's so lovely Jessica!!!