Thursday, November 26, 2009

Halloween, etc

Here is Moon, trying on one of many costumes she created on Halloween. This vest has been worn for years. I am surprised she can still get it on.
Moon and O at the Multnomah Village trick or treat through town.
Super fun. Super crowded.
Lan was there as a kitty cowboy, but I didn't get any pictures of him. For shame...

Later that night, we did a quick up and down the street trick or treat.
Obviously I had picture cooperation challenges.

Here is Moon, deciding what couple of candies she is going to
eat before leaving the rest for the candy fairy.
Lan, post chocolate!
Totally happy little Halloween experience. We had lots of trick or treaters for our neighborhood and the kids had fun handing out candy. Patrick played a party and I headed out after the kids were getting ready for bed with Kathryn.

Funny little modern guy photo. Lan was under the rain shield and had fallen asleep with the iPod and headphones on.

And a quick little moment catching Lan deep in dollhouse play. Fun guy.


Adrienne said...

Dude, very cute post from Halloween, but...time to update!!!!!

Unknown said...

With the thousands of different varieties to choose from, children and

young adults have found it easy to grab onto this new fad. Plus, the price is right --the average price for a theme pack of 24 is around $4. Most of us think, “Oh! What a steal;

that’s such a great price.” When the reality of it is, the cost of 24 regular rubber bands is less than $1. Why pay more for shaped rubber bands, when you can have regular ones

for cheaper? Sure, they’re fun to play with and are a great conversation starter, but what is it about them that’s so fascinating, or for some, not fascinating? Students at Monte

Vista either love them or hate them.Fourth, EFX’s holographic technology contains algorithms and frequencies that interact positively with this energy field in both humans and

animals at the cellular level. When placed near the body, especially at key energy centers such as the hands and feet, EFX bracelet’s products will harmonize with the body’s naturally occurring bioelectric frequencies. Fifth, Every child wants a zhu zhu petshamster and we have all of them in stock as well as all the Zhu Zhu accesories for this most

wished for of toys. They are also know as Go Go Pets or Go Go Hamsters in the UK and Europe. Enjoy your zhu zhu pets everyone. Sixth,
Pillow Pets is durability, machine washable, no batteries, friends for life and most important children like

them. Silicone Watch is not only a fashional, but also healthy product, it is suitable to all people to

wear.The designs are fashional and it can be worn whenever,whether you are sit or run. Wearing it, you will feel mental and muscle relax, besides.
barbie girls.

The greatest Christmas Sales sales are available now! and this sales season you are in for a few sales that will make you yell!

Panharith said...

for cheaper? Sure, they’re fun to play with and are a great conversation starter, but what is it about them that’s so fascinating, or for some, not fascinating? Students at Monte
