Sunday, January 13, 2008

Midwife Moon

Jeez, can you believe how big that belly is??? Anyhow, this is a picture of our midwife Alexandra and the Moon. Moon's very favorite part of the week is when Alexandra comes and listens to the baby. Moon is measuring my belly in this picture while Alexandra listens to baby's heartbeat. Moon usually also listens to my belly with the stethoscope, pumps up the blood pressure cuff and puts the goo for the doppler on my belly. Maybe she will be the first professional nude midwife!


Unknown said...

1. love love love the new header! sweet sweet moon!

2. beautiful belly! :)

3. Nude midwife. lol i love it!

Lee said...

Aww, nice to see that Moon can be involved. You're getting close! So exciting.