Thursday, April 10, 2008

I am terribly behind in blogging! Trying to be present with my children and stay on top of this disaster pile of a house are not allowing for lots of time to blog, believe it or not. But I miss it and think it's important, so here I go.
Landon is changing so much this last week. Today he rolled over from his tummy to his back, he slept for over 5 hours straight and was awake for longer periods. He is really becoming aware of what is going on around him. He has started crying when I sneeze, which is so sweet and heartbreaking at the same time. Speaking of heartbreaking, Moon is also growing up so quickly. She has dropped a lot of her babytalk and is using the correct words for things now, like sandwich instead of "shoppy", nurse instead of "dee dee". She is also really challenging us with her will and bringing out some of our most embarrassing personality traits. short-temper mama should be my name these days :(
Look for some pictures posted soon too!

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