Saturday, May 10, 2008

Lanny is 3 months old!

On the 7th, our sweet little Lan turned the big 3 months. Sigh. In so many ways it's like he has been here forever and in others it seems like he was just born yesterday. I know I will be saying those things for the rest of my life, but they are so bittersweet and true! He is about 13 pounds and I have no idea how long.
It seems as though the teething has begun...notice the hand chewing? Add a few cups of drool to that and there you have our daily reality :)
Moon loves laying right next to Lan, wherever he is.

Sometimes she even just crashes and gives him a break!
This is the extra carseat in the house. Moon loves playing in it and her new "game" is playing car. I think that Owen taught it to her.

A little comparison
Lanny at 13 weeks-ish (man I love that little baby smoochy cheek skin!!!)
Moon at 6 weeks-ish
I think that they look so much alike! I wish that I had all of the Moon pictures on my computer, so that I could find better ones, but this is something.

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