Thursday, August 07, 2008

Manly turns 6 months!

What a big guy you have become my little guy! You got your first tooth last week, have stopped sleeping like a dream (probably related to that teething thing!), have found your very loud screeching voice and most wildly, have started to notice when Mama is not in the room! You scream for me and reach for me and do so many other sweet sweet things to remind me that while I have many roles in life, my primary one is MAMA.
I love you so much and you bring me this joy that only a mama can know. And it is a different joy than I had with your sister! It's amazing how parenting 2 children can be so different! I have found my mama-flow, so things are easier in many ways. But, much to my sadness, you are often not the center of my world the way that Moon was. But life has also given you the gift of this amazing, wild, full of love big sissy who makes your face light up while the rest of us cringe! I don't know how you deal with the intensity and loudness of her, but that's the magic of you two.
We have started having 2 mornings a week together without Moon and while we spend most of the time running around doing errands, it is my special Manly Lanny time, full of snuggling you in the carrier and smooching all of your fat little rolls.
I love you baby boy and am so thankful for everyday with you and your big sister. One day you will understand what an amazing gift you are to your Papa and I. And it will humble all of us as much as your birth. xoxo Mama

1 comment:

korin said...

Aw. I may be really hormonal, but this just made me tear up. Love you sweet lanny!