Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Pictures from LAST week.
I'm a bit behind, but we are having fun in Yakima for 10 days.
Onto the good stuff:
EGGS! The Americauna's started laying. I have no idea why the Barred Rock and Wyandotte haven't started laying yet, as they are supposed to be earlier layers than the Americauna's. Mysterious.
Moon was feeling angry at me, so I suggested she color a picture of Monster Mama. I outlined my head and she went to work. Notice she colored my mouth in very dark...LOL.
Moon attended a Very Fancy Princess Birthday Party for her friend Sophie.
She got a butterfly painted around her eyes.
All of the beautiful princess girls

Papa walking Lanny around during the festivities.

1 comment:

hendreque said...

yummy, yummy eggs! and the princess's are tooo adorable. can I steal the pic? I didn't take one :(