Tuesday, November 04, 2008


So thankful tonight, with my two tired kids and wiped out husband. I am thankful for a small chance at a big change. I am filled with gratitude that so many Americans looked at reality, looked at the lives of those much less fortunate than themselves, denounced greed and personal gain, denounced violence in the name of peacekeeping and destruction of our planet for dubious causes, looked at all of this and decided that forward progress must include the health and safety of every human being.
I am not a socialist.
I am, however, a mother. I am a deeply appreciative participant in my life here on earth. I am someone who will pick apart an inch of every cause to find what is FAIR. And I feel that more Americans than ever are finding themselves concerned with what is fair. So I am thankful.
I am thankful that my children will hear from me that while I knew things were on a fast downward spiral, we were able to jump in and make a small change that hopefully will impact them in an amazing way. A change that does not support greed or harm or sadness. At the very least, we have a system that will start to model what we want to model in our family.
So thank-you, everyone who supports that dream. I am eternally grateful.

Hermann Gmeiner: "On the day when we treat all the children of the world as our own, peace shall descend on the Earth."

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